Brought to you by GovernorHub
Tuesday 28th January 2025 at 8:00am
This webinar by recruitment charity Governors for Schools will cover the role of school governing boards, how the charity's free service works and the training they provide you with both before and after you are appointed as a school governor.
Friday 7th March 2025 at 11am
Expert advice, practical guidance and on-demand training. Join Jane, from our customer support team, for a quick tour of GovernorHub Knowledge.
Thursday 30th January at 11:00am
Learn how MATs are saving days of admin time and avoiding costly mistakes.
Thursday 13th February 2025 at 12:00pm
This webinar by recruitment charity Governors for Schools will cover the role of school governing boards, how the charity's free service works and the training they provide you with both before and after you are appointed as a school governor.
Thursday 13th February 2025
This year, National School Governors' Awareness Day will be held on 13th February 2025. There'll be a day of thought-provoking webinars planned to support your professional development, hosted alongside Strictly Education.
In this webinar, Nina Sharma and Megan Tate from the NGA provide the latest analysis of the key challenges confronting schools and trusts in 2023 using insights and trends in governance from their 2023 survey. They present an overview of the changes over the past year, shedding light on the shifting priorities and emerging issues facing schools and trusts across the nation.
In this webinar, NGA explores what responsibilities the board hold in relation to school and trust estates, what the leading concerns are across the sector, and what boards can do about it. While many governing boards are considering a long-term approach to building and estate management, others are in need of urgent strategies to rectify major health and safety concerns.
To mark the end of Volunteers’ Week 2023 Governors for Schools teamed up with Independent Governor Support to host a free Q&A panel for school governance volunteers with questions about their role.
In this webinar, NGA Director of Advice and Guidance, Steve Edmonds explains how governing boards and school leaders work together to develop and review a strategy.
Drawing on common query topics hear from the NGA where they share practical tips for overcoming some of the difficulties commonly encountered. The webinar highlights the important considerations at each stage of the process and how these might apply in practice.
This webinar looks at what makes a MAT strong, and how governance can be the key to trust success.
The NGA explore how governance in MATs works in practice, from the business of the trust board, through to how they work and communicate with the local tier of governance at school level. The session also looks at the ongoing work of the DfE's regulatory and commissioning review.
Join Better Governor's Steve Barker and Linda Waghorn as they:
- explore monitoring strategies that governors
can use to focus on the effectiveness of spending Pupil Premium
- reflect on good practice in identifying the impact
of Pupil Premium
Join Steve Barker and Linda Waghorn to:
- find out when schools are likely to be inspected by Ofsted
- consider how governance readiness for inspection is very much business as usual
- encourage reflection on the effectiveness of governance in your school, which will be recognised by Ofsted.
Catch up on a valuable discussion about school budget pressures.
In this webinar, representatives from Ofsted discuss inspection and governance in maintained schools and academies.
Speaker panel:
- Lee Owston HMI, Deputy Director, Schools and Early Education.
- Sandy Hayes Senior HMI, Schools and Early Education.
- Belita Scott Senior HMI, North East, Yorkshire and the Humber.
Catch up on 2 days of talks and workshops for governors
Both days featured a variety of panels and workshops on topics to suit every attendee. Themes to explore included Pupil Premium, succession planning, onboarding new governors, academisation, and much more.
Plans for an all-academy schools system are underway.
Hear from our panel of 3 expert speakers (Emma Knights, CEO National Governance Association, Sam Freedman, Institute for Government and Sir Jon Coles, CEO United Learning) as they discuss what school and trust governance should or could look like in this new landscape.
Vic Goddard, co-principal of Passmores Academy in Essex, speaks about the pandemic's impact on headteachers and how governors and boards can better support theirs.
An informal, thought-provoking and honest conversation around the topic of wellbeing from the perspective of a school leader.
Sir Dan Moynihan, CEO of The Harris Federation, speaks about the 3 million pound ransomware attack on his trust in 2021
and what other schools or trusts should do to ensure they too can withstand an attack.
A very open and honest account of a complex and challenging incident with useful advice and recommendations for governing boards.