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Headteacher recruitment: gain confidence and skills

Article Generic School RED

The most important task

Recruiting a headteacher is one of the most important tasks a board will undertake, according to the Department for Education, "School leadership is extremely influential on the success of a school and it is therefore essential to give thought, care, time and attention to recruitment and selection processes."

Governors for Schools has just published new training, available on GovernorHub Knowledge, which sets out key 'need-to-knows' for anyone involved in the headteacher recruitment process.

CEO Hannah Stolton says, "We know that governors can often feel unprepared for what's in store when it comes to headteacher recruitment. But, if managed successfully, it's one of the most rewarding activities you'll carry out in the role and the impact you'll make is huge."

Throughout the online course, you hear from other governors about their experiences and gain advice from professionals. We're sharing a snapshot of some of the reflections and guidance found in the course to give you a flavour of how it might support you and your board.

Securing advice and support

Getting the right support throughout the process makes all of the difference.

Krasi Toneva, from the Schools HR Service at the Borough of Islington, says governing boards shouldn't expect to be doing this alone.


Keeping stakeholders involved

School governor Andy Shaw tells us how he kept stakeholders informed and involved throughout the headteacher recruitment process.

Andy's board had some initial vision, values and ethos sessions with senior leaders and then he presented at a staff meeting.


Being clear about the right headteacher for your school

You should be really specific about the key attributes you want from a leader - not just the results you want to achieve.

School governor Sharon Tabberer says you should be looking for someone who supports the values and ethos of your school.


Advertise the post widely

Many schools advertise a vacancy nationally, locally and on a school website.

Krasi Toneva, from the Schools HR Service at the Borough of Islington, says governing boards should aim to get a wide exposure for their advert and also factor in this cost.

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The selection panel

When you're selecting a recruitment panel, you will need to consider the skills and abilities of your governors and what they bring to the table - but try to limit the panel to a maximum of four or five. 

School governor Michael Jones says experience is useful but not always necessary.


Take the course

If your board subscribes to GovernorHub Knowledge, you'll have access to the full course by logging into GovernorHub. It carries automatic certification and will be added to your GovernorHub training record on completion.

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